LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Blog_Category class
The Blog_Category class represents a blog category. It contains fields for accessing a blog title title, description and posts.
Class fields
- $name - category name
- $url_name - URL name of the category, for example "news"
- $description - a short description of the blog post in plain text format. Use the h() and nl2br() functions to output the description:
<?= nl2br(h($category->description)) ?>
- $code - the category API code
- $published_post_num - number of published category posts
- $posts - a list of published category posts. An instance of the Db_DataCollection class. Each element in the collection is an instance of the Blog_Post class.
Class methods
- create() - creates an instance of the Blog_Category class.
- find_all() - returns a collection of blog categories.
- find($id) - finds a category by its identifier
- find_by_code($api_code) - finds a category by its API code. Example:
$category = Blog_Category::create()->find_by_code('news');
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