This is the documentation for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. You can learn more and upgrade your store here.

LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued

This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.

Blog_Post class

The Blog_Post class represents a blog post. It contains fields for accessing a blog post title, description, content and other properties.

Class fields

  • $title - post title
  • $url_title - URL title of the blog post, for example "what_is_lemonstand"
  • $categories - a list of categories the post belongs to. An instance of the Db_DataCollection class. Each element in the collection is an instance of the Blog_Category class.
  • $description - a short description of the blog post
  • $content - the blog post content, in HTML format
  • $comments_allowed - indicates whether comments are allowed for this blog post. You can allow or deny comments for a specific post on the Create/Edit Post page in the Administration Area.
  • $published_date - the post publication date. An instance of the Phpr_DateTime class.
  • $comment_num - number of all blog post comments
  • $approved_comment_num - number of approved blog post comments.
  • $comments - a list of all blog post comments. An instance of the Db_DataCollection class. Each element in the collection is an instance of the Blog_Comment class.
  • $approved_comments - a list of approved blog post comments. An instance of the Db_DataCollection class. Each element in the collection is an instance of the Blog_Comment class.
  • $author_first_name - a first name of the post author
  • $author_last_name - a last name of the post author

Class methods

  • create() - creates an instance of the Blog_Post class. Static method.
  • paginate($page_index, $items_per_page) - paginates a blog post list. Call this method before calling the find_all() method.
  • find_all() - returns a collection of blog posts.
  • find_by_url_title($url_tutle) - returns  a blog post by its URL title. Example:
    $post = Blog_Post::create()->find_by_url_title('my_first_post');
  • list_recent_posts($count = 10, $show_future_posts = true) - returns recent published posts. You can specify a number of posts to return in the first method parameter. The second parameter allows to hide posts with future publish dates. Static method. Returns an instance of the Db_DataCollection class. Each element in the collection is an instance of the Blog_Post class. Example: 
    $post_list = Blog_Post::list_recent_posts();

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