This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Package Object Description backend:onAddAdditionalCmsFiles Allows to inject files to the built-in file browser.
backend:onAfterFileBrowserUpload Triggered after a file is uploaded in the back-end file browser.
backend:onAfterRemoteEvent Triggered after an Administration Area AJAX request is handled.
backend:onBeforeRemoteEvent Triggered before an Administration Area AJAX request is handled.
backend:onBeforeRenderLayout Triggered before an Administration Area layout is rendered.
backend:onBeforeRenderPage Triggered before an Administration Area page is rendered.
backend:onBeforeRenderPartial Triggered before an Administration Area partial is rendered.
backend:onControllerInit Triggered after an Administration Area controller object is created, but before it is configured.
backend:onControllerReady Triggered after an Administration Area controller object is completely configured.
backend:onExtendFooter Allows to render custom content in the back-end footer.
cms.classes Cms_Controller CMS controller class is responsible for pages, partials and templates rendering.
Cms_ExportManager Provides CMS theme export and import functions.
Cms_PageNavigationNode Proxy object for storing page navigation information.
Cms_VisitorPreferences Allows to save visitor preferences into the server session. cms:onAfterDisplay Triggered after a front-end page is displayed.
cms:onAfterEvalPageContent Triggered after a page content is evaluated.
cms:onAfterHandleAjax Triggered after an AJAX request is handled.
cms:onAfterPageDuplicate Triggered after a page has been duplicated with Duplicate Theme feature.
cms:onAfterRenderPartial Triggered before a partial is rendered.
cms:onAfterResourceFileUpload Triggered after a file is uploaded in the CMS resource manager.
cms:onApplyPageSecurity Allows to perform security checks before a page is displayed.
cms:onBeforeDataExport Triggered before a CMS theme is exported.
cms:onBeforeDataImport Triggered before a CMS theme is imported.
cms:onBeforeDisplay Triggered before a front-end page is displayed.
cms:onBeforeEvalPageContent Triggered before a page content is evaluated.
cms:onBeforeHandleAjax Triggered before an AJAX request is handled.
cms:onBeforeRenderPartial Triggered before a partial is rendered.
cms:onBeforeResourceCombine Allows to implement custom resource combining approaches.
cms:onBeforeRoute Allows to override the default front-end page routing process.
cms:onBeforeTrackingCodeInclude Allows to deny Google Analytics tracking code output on a page.
cms:onCmsPageImport Triggered before a CMS page imported from a file is saved.
cms:onConfigurePagesPage Allows to configure the Administration Area CMS Pages pages before they are displayed.
cms:onDeletePage Triggered before a page is deleted.
cms:onDeletePartial Triggered before a partial is deleted.
cms:onDeleteTemplate Triggered before a layout is deleted.
cms:onDisplayPageForm Allows to load extra CSS or JavaScript files on the Created/Edit Page page.
cms:onEvaluateCode Triggered before PHP code on a page, partial or layout code is evaluated.
cms:onExtendPageContentToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the Edit Content form (CMS/Pages/Edit page content) in the Administration Area.
cms:onExtendPageForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Page form.
cms:onExtendPageModel Allows to define new columns in the page model.
cms:onExtendPagesContextMenu Allows to add new items to the list context menu on the CMS/Pages page in the Administration Area.
cms:onExtendPagesToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the page list (CMS/Pages page) in the Administration Area.
cms:onExtendPartialForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Partial form.
cms:onExtendPartialModel Allows to define new columns in the partial model.
cms:onExtendPartialsToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the partial list (CMS/Partials page) in the Administration Area.
cms:onExtendTemplateForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Layout form.
cms:onExtendTemplateModel Allows to define new columns in the layout model.
cms:onExtendTemplatesToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the layout list (CMS/Layouts page) in the Administration Area.
cms:onGetActiveTheme Triggered when LemonStand determines an active CMS theme.
cms:onGetCustomerGroupId Allows to override the default current customer group identifier in the front-end requests.
cms:onGetPageBlockContent Allows to programmatically modify a content block content.
cms:onGetPageContent Allows to programmatically modify a page content.
cms:onGetPageFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with cms:onExtendPageForm event.
cms:onGetPageNavigationVisibility Allows to hide a page from automatically generated menus and site maps.
cms:onGetPartialContent Allows modify a partial's content.
cms:onGetPartialFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with cms:onExtendPartialModel event.
cms:onGetTemplateContent Allows modify a layouts's content.
cms:onGetTemplateFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with cms:onExtendTemplateForm event.
cms:onListPageEditorSidebarTabs Allows to add tabs to the Create/Edit Page page sidebar in the Administration Area.
cms:onPageNotFound Allows to override the default processing of not found front-end pages.
cms:onPreparePageListData Allows to alter the list of pages on the CMS/Pages page in the Administration Area.
cms:onPreparePartialListData Allows to alter the list of partials on the CMS/Partials page in the Administration Area.
cms:onPrepareTemplateListData Allows to alter the list of layouts on the CMS/Layouts page in the Administration Area.
cms:onSetDefaultTheme Triggered when a default theme is changed by a user.
cms.helpers close_form() Returns HTML string containing the closing form tag.
content_block() Inserts WYSIWYG content block into a page.
flash_message() Returns a message previously set by a page action.
global_content_block() Inserts global WYSIWYG content block into a page, layout or partial.
include_resources() Outputs HTML links to the JavaScript and CSS files required for the LemonStand front-end framework.
open_form() Returns HTML string containing the opening form tag.
resource_url() Returns resource file URL relative to the website resources directory.
root_url() Returns file URL relative to the LemonStand root.
site_url() Returns an absolute URL to a site page specified with the parameter.
text_content_block() Inserts plain text content block into a page.
theme_resource_url() Returns file URL relative to the currently active theme resources directory.
cms.models Cms_Page Represents a CMS page.
Cms_Partial Represents a CMS partial.
Cms_Template Represents a CMS layout.
Cms_Theme Represents a CMS theme.
core.classes Core_CacheBase Incapsulates LemonStand caching API features.
Db_ActiveRecord Base class for LemonStand models.
Db_Act_As_Tree Allows to extend models with tree functionality.
Db_ColumnDefinition Represents a model column definition.
Db_DataCollection Represents a collection of ActiveRecord objects.
Db_File Represents a file or image attached to a model.
Db_FilterBehavior Adds list filters features to back-end controllers.
Db_FormBehavior Adds form handling features to back-end controllers.
Db_FormCustomArea Represents a form section.
Db_FormElement Base class for all form elements.
Db_FormFieldDefinition Represents a model form field definition.
Db_FormPartial Represents a form partial.
Db_FormSection Represents a form section.
Db_ListBehavior Adds record list features to back-end controllers.
Phpr_DateTime Represents a date and time value.
Phpr_Pagination Allows to paginate records, including database models.
Phpr_Request Incapsulates information about the HTTP request.
Phpr_Response Represents the application HTTP response.
Phpr_Validation Validates model property values.
Phpr_ValidationRules Represents a set of validation rules. core:onAfterArchiveCreate Triggered after LemonStand archive is created.
core:onAfterDatabaseQuery Triggered before a SQL query is executed by the database.
core:onAfterEmailSendToCustomer Triggered after an email notification is sent to a customer.
core:onAfterEmailSendToTeam Triggered after an email notification is sent to LemonStand users.
core:onAfterFormRecordCreate Triggered after a new model is saved to the database.
core:onAfterFormRecordDelete Triggered after an existing model is deleted from the database.
core:onAfterFormRecordUpdate Triggered after an existing model is saved to the database.
core:onAfterRenderListPagination Triggered after the Administration Area list pagination is displayed.
core:onAfterRenderListTable Triggered after the Administration Area list table is displayed.
core:onAfterSoftwareUpdate Triggered after LemonStand is updated.
core:onAfterSoftwareUpdateRequest Triggered after LemonStand update request is issued.
core:onBeforeArchiveCreate Triggered before LemonStand archive is created.
core:onBeforeArchiveRestore Triggered before LemonStand archive is restored.
core:onBeforeDatabaseConnect Triggered before database connection is established.
core:onBeforeDatabaseQuery Triggered before a SQL query is sent to the database.
core:onBeforeEmailSendToCustomer Triggered before an email notification is sent to a customer.
core:onBeforeEmailSendToTeam Triggered before an email notification is sent to LemonStand users.
core:onBeforeFormRecordCreate Triggered before a new model is saved to the database.
core:onBeforeFormRecordDelete Triggered before an existing model is deleted from the database.
core:onBeforeFormRecordUpdate Triggered before an existing model is saved to the database.
core:onBeforeFormRender Triggered before an Administration Area form is rendered.
core:onBeforeFormRenderPreview Triggered before an Administration Area preview (read-only) form is rendered.
core:onBeforeListExport Triggered before an Administration Area list is exported as a CSV file.
core:onBeforeListRecordDisplay Triggered before an Administration Area list row is displayed.
core:onBeforeSoftwareUpdate Triggered just before LemonStand is updated.
core:onBeforeSoftwareUpdateRequest Triggered before LemonStand update request is issued.
core:onExtendEmailTemplateForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Email Template form.
core:onExtendEmailTemplateModel Allows to define new columns in the email template model.
core:onExtendUserForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit User form in the Administration Area.
core:onExtendUserModel Allows to define new columns in the back-end user model.
core:onFileBeforeCreate Triggered before a new file record saved to the database.
core:onGetEmailTemplateFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with core:onExtendEmailTemplateModel event.
core:onGetUserFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with core:onExtendUserForm event.
core:onInitialize Triggered when the system initialization finishes and before any AJAX or POST handler is invoked.
core:onProcessImage Allows to process product and other images with third-party image manipulation tools.
core:onSendEmail Triggered before LemonStand sends an email message.
core:onUninitialize Triggered when the script execution finishes.
core:onUserBeforeSave Triggered before a user object is saved. You can use this event to prevent the changes.
onAfterFrontEndLogin Triggered after a registered customer logs in.
onDeleteEmailTemplate Triggered when a user tries to delete an email template in the Administration Area.
onFrontEndLogin Triggered when a registered customer logs into the store.
onFrontEndLogout Triggered when a registered customer logs out.
onLogin Triggered when a user logs into the Administration Area.
core.functions url() Returns an Administration Area URL.
core.helpers checkbox_state() Returns checked="checked" string if the parameter value is TRUE.
h() Returns string in HTML-safe format, converting all applicable characters to HTML entities.
option_state() Returns selected="selected" string if the parameter values are equal.
post() Returns a named POST parameter value.
post_array_item() Finds an array in the POST data then finds and returns an element inside this array.
radio_state() Returns checked="checked" string if the parameter value is TRUE.
traceLog() Writes a message to the trace log file.
core.models Users_User Represents an Administration Area user.
core.twig filters repeat Returns a string repeated multiple times.
unescape Cancels HTML escaping for a displayed value.
unset Removes an array element.
core.twig functions field() Returns an object's field value.
method() Invokes a method of an object or class.
core.twig tests array Tests whether the specified variable is array.
instance_of Tests whether an object is instance of a specific class.
shop.actions shop:cart Base action for the Cart page.
shop:category Base action for the Product Category page.
shop:change_password Base action for the Change Password page.
shop:checkout Base action for the Checkout page.
shop:checkout_billing_info Base action for the Billing Information checkout page.
shop:checkout_order_review Base action for the Order Review checkout page.
shop:checkout_payment_method Base action for the Payment Method checkout page.
shop:checkout_shipping_info Base action for the Shipping Information checkout page.
shop:checkout_shipping_method Base action for the Shipping Method checkout page.
shop:compare Base action for the Compare Products page.
shop:customer_profile Base action for the Customer Profile page.
shop:login Base action for the Login page.
shop:manufacturer Base action for the Manufacturer Details page.
shop:manufacturers Base action for the Creating the Manufacturer List page.
shop:order Base action for the Order Details page.
shop:orders Base action for the customer order list page.
shop:password_restore Base action for the Password Restore page.
shop:password_restore_request The action generates a password restore hash for a customer with the specified email address and sends an.
shop:pay Base action for the Payment page.
shop:payment_information Base action for custom payment pages.
shop:payment_profile Base action for the Payment Profile page.
shop:payment_profiles Base action for the Payment Profiles page.
shop:payment_receipt Base action for the Payment Receipt page.
shop:product Base action for the Product Details page.
shop:search Base action for the Search page.
shop:signup Base action for the Customer Signup page.
shop.ajax handlers shop:on_addProductReview Adds a product review.
shop:on_addToCart Adds a product to the shopping cart.
shop:on_addToCompare Adds a product to the product comparison list.
shop:on_changePassword Handles the change customer password request.
shop:on_clearCompareList Removes all products from the product comparison list.
shop:on_deleteCartItem Removes an item from the cart.
shop:on_evalShippingRate Allows to add the Estimate shipping cost feature to the Cart page.
shop:on_removeFromCompare Removes a product from the product comparison list.
shop:on_setCouponCode Allows to create a text field for entering a coupon code and a button for processing the code and redirecting the browser to a specific page.
shop:on_updateStateList Allows to update a list of states when a customer select some country in the country list.
shop.classes Shop_Cart Represents a visitor's shopping cart.
Shop_CartItem Represents an item in the shopping cart.
Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo Represents a customer shipping or billing address which the customer provides during the checkout process.
Shop_CheckoutData Contains information collected during the checkout process.
Shop_ComparisonList Manage the list of products added to the Compare Products list.
Shop_OptionMatrixManager Provides methods for creating and updating Option Matrix records. shop:onAfterAddToCart Triggered after a product has been added to the cart.
shop:onAfterCategoryRecordFetch Triggered after a category record is fetched from the database.
shop:onAfterCsvCustomerCreated Triggered after a new customer record has been imported from a CSV file.
shop:onAfterCsvCustomerUpdated Triggered after an existing customer record has been updated from a CSV file.
shop:onAfterCsvOptionMatrixImport Triggered after a new or existing Option Matrix record has been updated from a CSV file.
shop:onAfterCsvProductCreated Triggered after a new product record has been imported from a CSV file.
shop:onAfterCsvProductUpdated Triggered after an existing product record has been updated from a CSV file.
shop:onAfterCustomerMerged Triggered after a customer record is merged.
shop:onAfterOptionMatrixRecordFound Triggered when an Option Matrix record is loaded from the database.
shop:onAfterOrderRecordFetch Triggered after an order record is fetched from the database.
shop:onAfterProductFileAdded Triggered after a file is added to a product on the Product Details page.
shop:onAfterProductRecordFetch Triggered after a product record is fetched from the database.
shop:onAfterRemoveFromCart Triggered after an item is removed from the shopping cart.
shop:onAfterSetCartQuantity Triggered after a product quantity in the cart has been changed.
shop:onAuthenticateCustomer Allows to implement custom customer authentication scenarios.
shop:onAutomatedBillingSupported Allows to enable the automated bulling features in LemonStand.
shop:onBeforeAddToCart Triggered before a product is added to the cart.
shop:onBeforeCsvCustomerCreated Triggered before a new customer record is imported from a CSV file.
shop:onBeforeCsvCustomerUpdated Triggered before an existing customer record is updated from a CSV file.
shop:onBeforeCustomerMerged Triggered before a customer record is merged.
shop:onBeforeDeleteShippingTrackingCode Triggered before a shipping tracking code is deleted.
shop:onBeforeGenerateCustomerPassword Allows to override the default customer password generation feature.
shop:onBeforeOrderCustomerStatusMessageSent Allows to cancel the customer notification when an order changes its status.
shop:onBeforeOrderInternalStatusMessageSent Allows to cancel the internal user notification when an order changes its status.
shop:onBeforeOrderItemSaved Triggered before an order item is saved to the database.
shop:onBeforeOrderRecordCreate Triggered before a new order record is saved to the database.
shop:onBeforeOrdersRssExport Triggered before orders RSS feed is generated.
shop:onBeforeProductFileAdded Triggered before a file is added to a product on the Product Details page.
shop:onBeforeRemoveFromCart Triggered before an item is removed from the shopping cart.
shop:onBeforeSetCartQuantity Triggered before a product quantity in the cart is changed.
shop:onBeforeShippingQuote Allows to update shipping parameters before they are sent to a shipping method.
shop:onConfigureCustomersPage Allows to configure the Administration Area customer pages before they are displayed.
shop:onConfigureOrdersPage Allows to configure the Administration Area order pages before they are displayed.
shop:onConfigureProductsController Allows to load extra CSS or JavaScript files on the Product List, Product Preview, Create/Edit Product and other pages related to product.
shop:onConfigureProductsPage Allows to configure the Administration Area product pages before they are displayed.
shop:onCustomerAfterDelete Triggered after a customer is deleted.
shop:onCustomerCreated Triggered after a new customer is created.
shop:onCustomerProfileSave Triggered when a payment profile is saved to the database.
shop:onCustomerUpdated Triggered after a customer is updated.
shop:onDisplayCustomersPage Allows to load extra CSS or JavaScript files on the Customer List, Customer Preview and Create/Edit Customer pages.
shop:onDisplayOrdersPage Allows to load extra CSS or JavaScript files on the Order List, Order Preview, Create/Edit Order and other back-end pages related to orders.
shop:onDisplayProductForm Allows to load extra CSS or JavaScript files on the Create/Edit Product page.
shop:onDisplayProductList Allows to load extra CSS or JavaScript files on the Product List page.
shop:onExtendAttributeForm Allows to add new fields to the Add/Edit attribute section of the Add/Edit Product form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendAttributeModel Allows to define new columns in the product attribute model.
shop:onExtendCategoryForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Category form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCategoryModel Allows to define new columns in the product category model.
shop:onExtendCompanyInformationForm Allows to add new fields to the Edit Company Information form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCompanyInformationModel Allows to define new columns in the company information model.
shop:onExtendCustomerForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Customer form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCustomerGroupForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Customer Group form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCustomerGroupModel Allows to define new columns in the customer group model.
shop:onExtendCustomerModel Allows to define new columns in the customer model.
shop:onExtendCustomerPreviewTabs Allows to add tabs to the Preview Customer page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCustomerPreviewToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar on the Customer Preview page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCustomersToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the customer list in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCustomGroupForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Product Group form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendCustomGroupModel Allows to define new columns in the custom product group model.
shop:onExtendExtraOptionForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Extra Option form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendExtraOptionModel Allows to define new columns in the extra option model.
shop:onExtendManufacturerForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Manufacturer form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendManufacturerModel Allows to define new columns in the product manufacturer model.
shop:onExtendOptionForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Product Option form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOptionMatrix Allows to add new columns to the Option Matrix table.
shop:onExtendOptionMatrixRecordModel Allows to add new columns or relations to the Option Matrix model.
shop:onExtendOptionModel Allows to define new columns in the product option model.
shop:onExtendOrderForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Order and Preview Order forms in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderInvoicesToolbar Allows to add new button to the toolbar above the Invoice List on the Order Preview page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderItemForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Order Item form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderItemModel Allows to define new columns in the order item model.
shop:onExtendOrderModel Allows to define new columns in the order model.
shop:onExtendOrderPaymentTransactionsToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the Payment Transactions list on Order Preview page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderPreviewHeader Allows to display custom partials in the header of the Order Preview page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderPreviewTabs Allows to display custom tabs on the Order Preview page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderPreviewToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the Order Preview form.
shop:onExtendOrderStatusForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Order Status form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendOrderStatusModel Allows to define new columns in the order status model.
shop:onExtendOrdersToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the order list in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendPaymentMethodForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Payment Method form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendPaymentMethodModel Allows to define new columns in the payment method model.
shop:onExtendProductForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Product form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendProductModel Allows to define new columns in the product model.
shop:onExtendProductPreviewHeader Allows to display custom partials in the header of the Product Details page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendProductPreviewTabs Allows to display custom tabs on the Product Details page in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendProductPreviewToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the Product Details form.
shop:onExtendProductReviewForm Allows to add new fields to the Edit Product Review form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendProductReviewModel Allows to define new columns in the product review model.
shop:onExtendProductsToolbar Allows to add new buttons to the toolbar above the product list in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendProductTypeForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Product Type form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendProductTypeModel Allows to define new columns in the product type model.
shop:onExtendReportFilters Allows to add new filters to a report page.
shop:onExtendShippingOptionForm Allows to add new fields to the Create/Edit Shipping Option form in the Administration Area.
shop:onExtendShippingOptionModel Allows to define new columns in the shipping option model.
shop:onFilterPaymentMethods Allows to filter the payment method list before it is displayed on the checkout pages or in the backend.
shop:onFilterShippingOptions Allows to filter the shipping option list before it is displayed on the checkout pages.
shop:onGetAttributeFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendAttributeForm event.
shop:onGetCartItemPrice Allows to override a price of an item in the shopping cart.
shop:onGetCategoryFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendCategoryForm event.
shop:onGetCategoryFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetCategoryProductSortingQuery Allows you to add a custom sorting field support to the Shop_Category::list_products() method.
shop:onGetCompanyInformationFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendCompanyInformationForm event.
shop:onGetCompanyInformationFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetCustomerFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendCustomerForm event.
shop:onGetCustomerFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetCustomerGroupFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendCustomerGroupForm event.
shop:onGetCustomGroupFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendCustomGroupForm event.
shop:onGetEndReportingDate Allows to override the reporting end date.
shop:onGetExtraOptionFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendExtraOptionForm event.
shop:onGetManufacturerFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendManufacturerForm event.
shop:onGetManufacturerFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetOptionFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendOptionForm event.
shop:onGetOrderFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendOrderForm event.
shop:onGetOrderFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetOrderItemDisplayDetails Allows to display custom information about an order item in the Administration Area, for example on the Order Preview page.
shop:onGetOrderItemFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendOrderItemForm event.
shop:onGetOrderStatusFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendOrderStatusForm event.
shop:onGetOrderStatusFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetPaymentMethodFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendPaymentMethodForm event.
shop:onGetPaymentMethodFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetProductExtraPrice Allows to override a product's extra option price.
shop:onGetProductFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendProductForm event.
shop:onGetProductFieldState Determines whether a custom radio button or checkbox list option is checked.
shop:onGetProductPriceNoTax Allows to override product's base price.
shop:onGetProductReviewFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendProductReviewForm event.
shop:onGetProductSalePrice Allows to override product's sale price.
shop:onGetProductSearchSortColumns Allows to add new sorting columns to the find_products method.
shop:onGetProductSortColumns Allows to add new sorting columns to list_products() methods.
shop:onGetProductTypeFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendProductTypeForm event.
shop:onGetShippingOptionFieldOptions Allows to populate drop-down, radio- or checkbox list fields, which have been added with shop:onExtendShippingOptionForm event.
shop:onGetShippingParams Allows to override the store shipping parameters.
shop:onGetStartReportingDate Allows to override the reporting start date.
shop:onInvoiceSystemSupported Allows to enable the invoice support in LemonStand.
shop:onNewInvoiceItemCopy Allows to update an order item in a new invoice, when the invoice is created manually in the Administration Area.
shop:onNewOrder Triggered after a new order is placed.
shop:onOrderAfterDelete Triggered after an order record has been deleted.
shop:onOrderBeforeCreate Allows you to alter the checkout information or cart content before an order is placed.
shop:onOrderBeforeStatusChanged Triggered before an order changes its status.
shop:onOrderBeforeUpdate Triggered before an existing order record is saved to the database.
shop:onOrderCopyBillingAddress Triggered when order billing information is copied to shipping information.
shop:onOrderError Triggered if an error occurs during the order placement.
shop:onOrderItemAdded Triggered when an order item is added to an order.
shop:onOrderItemDeleted Triggered after an order item is deleted from an order.
shop:onOrderItemUpdated Triggered when an order item is updated.
shop:onOrderMarkedDeleted Triggered after an order has been marked deleted with Shop_Order::delete_order() method.
shop:onOrderRestored Triggered after an order has been restored with Shop_Order::restore_order() method.
shop:onOrderStatusChanged Triggered after an order has changed its status.
shop:onOrderStockChange Triggered before LemonStand updates inventory for products of a specific order.
shop:onOrderSupportsInvoices Allows to enable the invoice support for a specific order.
shop:onOverrideProductCategoryCsvImportData Allows to override a value in the Category column of a products CSV file before the data is imported.
shop:onPrepareProductListData Allows to alter the list of products on the Shop/Products page in the Administration Area.
shop:onPreProcessProductCustomData The event allows you to modify custom (API) product parameters before product is added to the cart.
shop:onProductDuplicated Triggered when a product is duplicated.
shop:onProductOutOfStock Triggered when a product stock reaches the out of stock threshold (goes out of stock).
shop:onProductReviewAfterCreate Triggered after a new product review record is created.
shop:onProductReviewApproved Triggered after a product review is approved.
shop:onProductReviewBeforeCreate Triggered before a new product review record is created.
shop:onRegisterProductSearchEvent Allows third-party modules to register custom product search extension functions.
shop:onUpdateCartItemPrice Allows to update a default shopping cart item price, or price returned by the shop:onGetCartItemPrice event.
shop:onUpdateShippingQuote Allows to update a shipping quote calculated by a regular shipping method.
shop.helpers Shop_BundleHelper Provides methods which help in developing front-end pages and partials for displaying and managing product bundle items.
Shop_ProductHelper Provides methods which help in developing front-end pages and partials for displaying product details information.
customer_logout() Closes a session of a current customer and optionally redirects browser to a specified address.
format_currency() Returns a currency representation of a number.
tax_incl_label() Returns the tax included label text.
shop.models Shop_BundleItemProduct Represents a product record in a bundle item.
Shop_Category Represents a product category.
Shop_CompanyInformation Manages information about a store owner company.
Shop_Country Represents a country.
Shop_CountryState Represents a country state.
Shop_CustomAttribute Represents a product option.
Shop_Customer Represents a customer.
Shop_CustomerGroup Represents a customer group.
Shop_CustomerPaymentProfile Represents a customer payment profile.
Shop_CustomGroup Represents a custom product group.
Shop_ExtraOption Represents a product extra option.
Shop_Manufacturer Represents a product manufacturer.
Shop_OptionMatrixRecord Represents Option Matrix record.
Shop_Order Represents an order.
Shop_OrderItem Represents an item of an order.
Shop_OrderStatus Represents a status of an order.
Shop_OrderStatusLog Manages order status transitions.
Shop_PaymentMethod Represents a payment method.
Shop_Product Represents a product.
Shop_ProductBundleItem Represents a bundle item in a bundle product.
Shop_ProductFile Represents a file in a downloadable product.
Shop_ProductProperty Represents a product attribute.
Shop_ProductReview Represents a customer's product review and rating record.
Shop_ProductType Represents a product type.
Shop_ShippingOption Represents a shipping option.
Shop_ShippingParams Represents the store shipping configuration.
Shop_TransactionUpdate Represents a payment transaction update information.
shop.twig filters categories Returns root categories or subcategories of a specific category.
currency Returns a currency representation of a number.
shop.twig functions cart_items() Returns a list of active cart items.
company_information() Returns the Company Information object.
shipping_method_selected() Returns true if a specific shipping option is selected in the checkout.
total_cart_items() Returns total number of items in the cart.
total_cart_price() Returns total price of all items in the cart.