LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Creating Themes for LemonStand Marketplace
Technically the process of creating themes for the LemonStand Marketplace is similar to creating any LemonStand-based store. You create pages, partials, templates, CSS, JavaScript, images and other resource files. However there is one requirement - all internal links (A tags and JavaScript, CSS, Image references) should use the root_url() function. This will allow to use the theme in subdirectories. Example:
<!-- Do not use direct URLs: --> <a href="/">Home</a> <img src="/resources/images/lemonstand_logo.png" alt="LemonStand" /> <!-- Use the root_url() function instead --> <a href="<?= root_url('/') ?>">Home</a> <img src="<?= root_url('/resources/images/lemonstand_logo.png') ?>" alt="LemonStand" />
The root_url() function is not needed for the js_combine() and css_combine() calls.
You should have the Theming feature enabled in your LemonStand installation if you want to publish your themes on the Marketplace. Use only theme-specific resources (located in the theme resources directory) and never rely on website-specific resources (located in the /resources directory). Use the @ symbol in the CSS and JavaScript combiner calls to refer to theme resource files. Use theme_resource_url() function to create URLs referring to theme-specific files.
Adding a theme to the Marketplace
When the theme is ready, export it using the CMS Export feature (CMS/Export or Import/Export/Export pages, partials and templates or CMS/Themes/Export theme). Log into the My Account area, click the Author link in the menu and then click the Manage Themes link. If you are not an author yet, you will need to fill the form on the Author page. On the My Themes page click the Create new theme button. Choose whether you want to create a marketplace-hosted or a self-hosted theme.
Both marketplace-hosted and self-hosted themes can be paid and sold through the Marketplace. Marketplace-hosted themes are uploaded to the Marketplace. If your theme is paid, you will be getting the regular payouts (however, we will withhold a commission fee from every sale). For marketplace-hosted themes the process of purchasing is completely automated by the Marketplace. When a customer buys a marketplace-hosted theme, he can download it from the MyAccount area immediately after paying an order. Delivering of self-hosted theme products is not automated. You, as a developer, will be receiving notifications from the Marketplace when somebody purchases your theme. The notification contains the order details and the buyer contact information. You're responsible to contact the buyer and to deliver the product.
Uploading the theme archive
After creating a marketplace-hosted theme, before you publish it, you should upload the theme archive. Click the Upload theme archive link on the Theme Details page and use the form to upload the LCA file which you exported from LemonStand.
Updating the theme information
You can update any parameter of an existing theme. Click the Edit link on the Theme Details page and update the theme information. You can also delete or add new theme screenshots.
Managing the theme version information
When you create a theme, you should specify the theme version number in the Create Theme form. To manage version information of an existing theme, click the Manage Versions link on the Theme Details page. On this page you can add new version numbers and edit existing theme version records. Also, for marketplace-hosted themes, you can update the theme version number when you upload a new theme archive file.
Publishing the theme
For a theme to appear in Marketplace directory, you should publish it. To publish a theme, click the Publish link on the Theme Details page. If you are publishing the theme for the first time, you will be offered to fill the Test form and wait until we test your theme. We test all products before they are published on the Marketplace to be sure that they satisfy LemonStand quality standards. After receiving a positive response from Limewheel Creative Inc., you can publish the theme. To hide a published theme from the Marketplace, you can unpublish it by clicking the Unpublish link on the Theme Details page.
Recommendations for Marketplace themes
Please follow the recomendations described below if you are developing a theme fot the Marketplace.
- Using third-party CSS frameworks (Less Framework, Twitter Bootstrap, etc.) is allowed as long as they are free, well known and welcomed by the developers and designers community.
- Twig-based themes are preferred, because Twig will be the only allowed templating engine in lower level LemonStand Now accounts.
- Use jQuery front-end library.
- Use only well known and tested jQuery plugins, if needed.
- Try to avoid complex front-end JavaScript coding.
- Do not use third-party modules. Using modules published under LemonStand account is allowed as long as they are free. All used modules should be listed in the theme description.
- Write clean, semantic and valid HTML and CSS code.
Required features
- A list of categories with subcategories support
- Category product listing
- Supported product features:
- Multiple product images, zoomable product image
- Product option drop-down menu (or some DHTML widget)
- Product extras
- Option Matrix support
- Attributes
- Long product description
- Add to cart button
- Product reviews and rating
- Compare list
- Cart page
- Editable quantity field
- Remove product icon (or checkbox)
- Subtotal, discount and estimated total fields
- Coupon field
- Apply changes field
- Shipping cost estimator
- Checkout page
- Billing Information
- Shipping Information (copy Billing address to Shipping address checkbox)
- Shipping method
- Combined Review/Pay page
- Sign up page
- Password restore page
- Sign in page
- Order list (for authorized customers)
- Order details page with a link to the Pay page, for unpaid orders (for authorized customers)
- Search page
Recommended features
- Blog pages - archive, category listing, category posts listings, post details page.
- Integration with social networks (Facebook Like, Twitter, etc.)
- Bundled products support
Next: Creating Modules for LemonStand Marketplace
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