LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Customizing the Administration Area
You can customize the Administration Area appearance with themes. LemonStand includes a few default back-end themes and you can create new own themes. To create a new theme:
- Create a copy of any directory in the modules/backend/themes directory. For example, create a copy of the modules/backend/themes/blue and rename it to modules/backend/themes/mytheme.
- Create the theme preview image. It should be a PNG image with size of 150x113 pixels.
- Update the info.php file in the new theme directory - assign the theme name and a color value for the theme selector.
- Update the theme.css file in the css directory. You can apply any CSS styles to the Administration Area elements. You can easily spot different elements in the Administration Area with FireBug. If it is needed, a theme can contain images. If you are going to use images in your theme, create a separate directory for image files in the theme directory and use relative image URLs in the theme.css file.
- Save the theme files and go to the System/Settings/Customize page. Select the new theme on the Theme tab.
Previous: Adding a Back-End User Interface
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