LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Displaying Product Manufacturer Information
You can assign a manufacturer to each product in your catalog. The manufacturer PHP object (Shop_Manufacturer) is accessible through the $manufacturer field of the Shop_Product class (the $product variable). To keep the product page code clean, it is recommended to create a separate partial for displaying products manufacturer information. The following code outputs all manufacturer details.
<? if ($product->manufacturer): ?> <h4>Manufacturer</h4> <p> <?= h($product->manufacturer->name) ?> </p> <?= $product->manufacturer->description ?> <img src="<?= h($product->manufacturer->logo_url(100, 'auto')) ?>"/> <p>Address: <?= h($product->manufacturer->address) ?><br/> City: <?= h($product->manufacturer->city) ?><br/> ZIP: <?= h($product->manufacturer->zip) ?><br/> Phone: <?= h($product->manufacturer->phone) ?><br/> Fax: <?= h($product->manufacturer->fax) ?><br/> Country: <?= h($product->manufacturer->columnValue('country')) ?><br/> State: <?= h($product->manufacturer->columnValue('state')) ?><br/> Email: <?= h($product->manufacturer->email) ?><br/> Website: <?= h($product->manufacturer->url) ?> </p> <? endif ?>
{% set manufacturer = field(product, 'manufacturer') %} {% if manufacturer %} <h4>Manufacturer</h4> <p> {{ manufacturer.name }} </p> {{ manufacturer.description|unescape }} <img src="{{ manufacturer.logo_url(100, 'auto') }}"/> <p>Address: {{ manufacturer.address }}<br/> City: {{ manufacturer.city }}<br/> ZIP: {{ manufacturer.zip }}<br/> Phone: {{ manufacturer.phone }}<br/> Fax: {{ manufacturer.fax }}<br/> Country: {{ manufacturer.columnValue('country') }}<br/> State: {{ manufacturer.columnValue('state') }}<br/> Email: {{ manufacturer.email }}<br/> Website: {{ manufacturer.url }} </p> {% endif %}
Now you can render the partial on the product page. Note that we named the manufacturer partial shop:manufacturer, but of course you can use any name.
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