LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Subscriptions and discounts
Subscriptions Module is compatible with the Discount Engine. Any discount rules you create on the Catalog Price Rules or Discounts tabs are applicable to subscription products. When LemonStand generates new subscription invoices, it uses the current subscription product price, taking into account catalog price rules and discounts.
Subscriptions Module adds a discount condition to the Discount Engine - the Subscription renewal status, which allows you to create discounts, applicable only to new or only to renewing subscriptions. This condition can be used only with Discounts. Catalog Price Rules do not support this feature. You can use the condition on the Product filter section of the Action tab of the discount configuration form. Example of the product filter setup for a specific subscription product. The discount will be applied only to renewing website membership subscriptions.
Please note that you should not use conditions related to the cart content, like "Item should be presented in the cart", on the Conditions tab for discounts which should be applied on renewed discounts. Use the product filter on the Action tab instead.
Next: Understanding the Subscription Chart
Previous: How the subscriptions engine works
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