This is the documentation for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. You can learn more and upgrade your store here.

LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued

This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.


LemonStand has a built-in detailed error information page which is enabled by default. This page displays details about any error which occur in LemonStand PHP scripts or in the website pages, templates or partials which you develop. Specifically, the page displays:

  • The error message text.
  • A hint about fixing the error. LemonStand can display hints only for some types of configuration errors.
  • A document name where the error occurred.
  • A line in the document, which contains the error.
  • A syntax-highlighted fragment of the document, with the error line highlighted.
  • A call stack. 

When you finish the development, you can disable the detailed error page by changing a value of the HIDE_ERROR_DETAILS parameter in the /config/config.php file to TRUE.

$CONFIG['HIDE_ERROR_DETAILS'] = false; // Change the value to true in order to disable the detailed error page

After disabling the error page, you can still track errors using the error log file. The error log file location is /logs/errors.txt. Also you can view the error log on the System/Settings/View Error Log page. The errors on this page are stored in the database, so if LemonStand had no connection to the database when an error occurred, the error will not be presented on this page.

You can find other configuration parameters affecting the error handling and logging process on the LemonStand Configuration Options page.

Modifying the standard error page

When the detailed error page is disabled, LemonStand displays the standard error page which location is /controllers/application/error_page.htm. You can alter the content of this file, but you should not modify the content of the CSS file the page refers to. If you need to customize the CSS file, please create its copy in the /resources/css directory and modify the LINK element on the error page to reflect changes.

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