LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Understanding the Paid order status
The predefined Paid order status is meant to reflect an order that has been checked and the funds have been captured. Normally it means that an order is valid and can be shipped. By default LemonStand updates the number of items in stock for ordered products when the order reaches the Paid status.
As with any other order status in LemonStand, sending an order to the Paid status does not perform any payment processing or other actions in the background. You can specify the Paid status as a target status for your payment methods, or you can send orders to this status manually.
If you prefer to check credit card transactions manually before shipping your orders, you can create an intermediate order status, for example Pending, and specify it as a target status in the payment method settings. After confirming a transactionwith your payment gateway, you can send the order to the Paid status manually.
Alternatively, you can assign the Paid status as a target status of your payment methods. Then LemonStand will send orders to the Paid status automatically after a successful payment processing.
Next: Configuring the currency and currency converter
Previous: Configuring the order route and user roles
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