LemonStand Version 1 Has Been Discontinued
This documentation is for LemonStand Version 1. LemonStand is now offered as a cloud-based eCommerce platform.
You can try the new LemonStand and learn about upgrading here.
Understanding the Payment Processed order field
Orders in LemonStand have the special field “Payment processed”, designed for tracking an order payment status. You can see this field in the order list (if you switch the column on in the order list settings) and on the Order Preview page, under the Payment Status header.
The Payment Processed field gets its value when a customer (AKA LemonStand user) successfully pays using a specific payment form. For new orders the Payment Processed field is empty. But as soon as somebody pays the order using the payment form, the field value becomes equal to a current date and time.
The presence of the Payment Processed value does not mean that funds were transferred from a customer's bank account to the store bank account, because most payment methods can be configured in a way so they only authorize a credit card, without capturing money. For such cases, the Payment Processed field will have a value, and it will mean that the credit card was authorized by a corresponding payment gateway, but you need to capture funds manually through your payment gateway administration area.
For cases when your payment method is configured to capture funds from the customer's credit card, the presence of a value in the Payment Processed field will mean that funds were transferred to the store bank account.
Next: Creating custom product groups
Previous: Paying an order from the Administration Area
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