This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

shop:customer_profile CMS action

Defined in /modules/shop/classes/shop_actions.php, lines 3152-3162
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Base action for the Customer Profile page.

Supported form fields

Field Type Description
submit_profile string a name for the submit button for saving the payment profile.
first_name string specifies the customer first name. Required.
last_name string specifies the customer last name. Required.
email string specifies the customer email. Required.
company string specifies the customer's company name.
phone string specifies the phone number.
billing_state_id integer an identifier of the customer billing state.
billing_country_id integer an identifier of the customer billing country.
billing_street_addr string specifies the billing street address.
billing_city string specifies the billing city name.
billing_zip string specifies the billing ZIP/Postal code.
shipping_first_name string specifies the customer shipping first name. Required.
shipping_last_name string specifies the customer shipping last name. Required.
shipping_company string specifies the customer's sipping company name.
shipping_phone string specifies the phone shipping number.
shipping_state_id integer an identifier of the customer shipping state.
shipping_country_id integer an identifier of the customer shipping country.
shipping_street_addr string specifies the shipping street address.
shipping_city string specifies the shipping city name.
shipping_zip string specifies the shipping ZIP/Postal code.
redirect string an optional URL to redirect the visitor's browser after updating the profile.
flash string a message to display on the target redirection page.

Generated PHP variables

Variable Type Description
countries Db_DataCollection a collection of countries for populating the Billing Country and Shipping Country lists.
billing_states Db_DataCollection a collection of states for populating the Billing State list.
shipping_states Db_DataCollection a collection of states for populating the Shipping State list.

Built-in AJAX handlers

Handler Description
shop:on_updateCustomerProfile Updates the customer profile.

Supported form field details

submit_profile form field

A name for the submit button for saving the payment profile. The Save submit button should have name submit_profile if you are implementing a regular POST form. Alternatively you can use the shop:on_updateCustomerProfile handler.

first_name form field

Specifies the customer first name. Required.

last_name form field

Specifies the customer last name. Required.

email form field

Specifies the customer email. Required.

company form field

Specifies the customer's company name.

phone form field

Specifies the phone number.

billing_state_id form field

An identifier of the customer billing state.

billing_country_id form field

An identifier of the customer billing country.

billing_street_addr form field

Specifies the billing street address.

billing_city form field

Specifies the billing city name.

billing_zip form field

Specifies the billing ZIP/Postal code.

shipping_first_name form field

Specifies the customer shipping first name. Required.

shipping_last_name form field

Specifies the customer shipping last name. Required.

shipping_company form field

Specifies the customer's sipping company name.

shipping_phone form field

Specifies the phone shipping number.

shipping_state_id form field

An identifier of the customer shipping state.

shipping_country_id form field

An identifier of the customer shipping country.

shipping_street_addr form field

Specifies the shipping street address.

shipping_city form field

Specifies the shipping city name.

shipping_zip form field

Specifies the shipping ZIP/Postal code.

redirect form field

An optional URL to redirect the visitor's browser after updating the profile. Note that if your copy of LemonStand is installed in a subdirectory, you need to use the root_url() function in the redirect field value.

flash form field

A message to display on the target redirection page. Use the flash_message() function on the target page to display the message.

Generated PHP variable details

countries variable

Db_DataCollection $countries;
A collection of countries for populating the Billing Country and Shipping Country lists. Each element in the collection is an object of the Shop_Country class.

billing_states variable

Db_DataCollection $billing_states;
A collection of states for populating the Billing State list. Each element in the collection is an object of the Shop_CountryState class

shipping_states variable

Db_DataCollection $shipping_states;
A collection of states for populating the Shipping State list. Each element in the collection is an object of the Shop_CountryState class

Built-in AJAX handlers details

shop:on_updateCustomerProfile AJAX handler

Updates the customer profile.