Allows to add new filters to a report page.
Event handlers should use the controller's filter_filters() method for adding new filters. Please read
List filters article for details about back-end list filters.
The following example defines a new filter on the Orders Report page.
public function subscribeEvents()
Backend::$events->addEvent('shop:onExtendReportFilters', $this, 'extend_filters');
function extend_filters($controller)
if( !($controller instanceof Shop_Orders_Report) )
$controller->filter_filters['dealer'] = array(
'prompt'=>'Please choose dealers statuses you want to include to the report. Orders with other dealers will be excluded.',
'added_list_title'=>'Added Dealers'
The filter refers to the custom DealersFilter_Filter filter class, which can be defined as follows:
class DealerFilter_Filter extends Db_DataFilter
public $model_class_name = 'Users_User';
public $list_columns = array('name');
public function prepareListData()
$className = $this->model_class_name;
$obj = new $className();
return $obj;
public function applyToModel($model, $keys, $context = null)
$model->where('customer_calculated_join.created_user_id is not null and customer_calculated_join.created_user_id in (?)', array($keys));
public function asString($keys, $context = null)
return 'and shop_customers.created_user_id is not null and shop_customers.created_user_id in '.$this->keysToStr($keys);