This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Cms_ExportManager class

Defined in /modules/cms/classes/cms_exportmanager.php, lines 9-907
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Provides CMS theme export and import functions.

Public properties

Property Type Description Defined By
import_files integer specifies the number of files imported by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_new_global_content_blocks integer specifies the number of global content blocks imported by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_new_pages integer specifies the number of new pages created by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_new_partials integer specifies the number of new partials created by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_new_templates integer specifies the number of new layouts created by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_updated_pages integer specifies the number of pages updated by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_updated_partials integer specifies the number of partials updated by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager
import_updated_templates integer specifies the number of layouts updated by the last import() method call. Cms_ExportManager

Public methods

Method Description Defined By
export() exports a CMS theme into a file. Cms_ExportManager
import() imports a CMS theme from a file. Cms_ExportManager


Event Description
cms:onBeforeDataExport Triggered before a CMS theme is exported.
cms:onBeforeDataImport Triggered before a CMS theme is imported.

Property details

import_files property

public integer $import_files;
Specifies the number of files imported by the last import() method call.

import_new_global_content_blocks property

public integer $import_new_global_content_blocks;
Specifies the number of global content blocks imported by the last import() method call.

import_new_pages property

public integer $import_new_pages;
Specifies the number of new pages created by the last import() method call.

import_new_partials property

public integer $import_new_partials;
Specifies the number of new partials created by the last import() method call.

import_new_templates property

public integer $import_new_templates;
Specifies the number of new layouts created by the last import() method call.

import_updated_pages property

public integer $import_updated_pages;
Specifies the number of pages updated by the last import() method call.

import_updated_partials property

public integer $import_updated_partials;
Specifies the number of partials updated by the last import() method call.

import_updated_templates property

public integer $import_updated_templates;
Specifies the number of layouts updated by the last import() method call.

Method details

export() method

public string export(array $object_types, integer $theme_id=NULL, boolean $ignore_payment_paritals=false, boolean $ignore_theme_description=false)
$object_types array specifies CMS object types to export. Supported values: pages, partials, templates, global_content_blocks, resources.
$theme_id integer specifies a theme identifier.
$ignore_payment_paritals boolean determines whether payment partials should be ignored.
$ignore_theme_description boolean determines whether the theme description should be ignored.
{return} string returns a name of the exported file. The file is saved to the temp subdirectory of LemonStand root directory.
Exports a CMS theme into a file.

import() method

public void import(mixed $file_info, integer $theme_id=-2)
$file_info mixed specifies either path to the CMS archive file or an array containing information about an uploaded file.
$theme_id integer specifies a theme identifier. If the parameter value is -1, a new theme will be created. The value -2 is reserved for backward compatibility.
Imports a CMS theme from a file. The method throws Phpr_SystemException in case of error.