This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Cms_PageNavigationNode class

Defined in /modules/cms/classes/cms_pagenavigationnode.php, lines 14-108
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Proxy object for storing page navigation information. This class is a placeholder (proxy) object which holds information about a specific page. It is used during the dynamic menus generation instead of the Cms_Page class due to performance reasons. This class has methods and fields sufficient for building menus. In most cases, during the menu generation process, you can work with objects of this class as if you were working with Cms_Page objects.

Public properties

Property Type Description Defined By
id integer specifies the page identifier. Cms_PageNavigationNode
is_published boolean indicates whether the page is published. Cms_PageNavigationNode
navigation_label string specifies the page navigation label. Cms_PageNavigationNode
navigation_visible boolean indicates whether the page should be visible in the site maps or menus. Cms_PageNavigationNode
parent_id integer specifies the identifier of a parent page. Cms_PageNavigationNode
title string specifies the page title. Cms_PageNavigationNode
url string specifies the page URL, relative to LemonStand application root. Cms_PageNavigationNode
visible_for_group string indicates whether the page is visible for the current customer group. Cms_PageNavigationNode

Public methods

Method Description Defined By
navigation_label() returns the navigation menu label. Cms_PageNavigationNode
navigation_subpages() returns a list of pages grouped under this page. Cms_PageNavigationNode

Property details

id property

public integer $id;
Specifies the page identifier.

is_published property

public boolean $is_published;
Indicates whether the page is published.

navigation_label property

public string $navigation_label;
Specifies the page navigation label.

navigation_visible property

public boolean $navigation_visible;
Indicates whether the page should be visible in the site maps or menus.

parent_id property

public integer $parent_id;
Specifies the identifier of a parent page.

title property

public string $title;
Specifies the page title.

url property

public string $url;
Specifies the page URL, relative to LemonStand application root.

visible_for_group property

public string $visible_for_group;
Indicates whether the page is visible for the current customer group.

Method details

navigation_label() method

public string navigation_label()
{return} string returns the page navigation menu label or page title.
Returns the navigation menu label. If the navigation menu label was not specified for this page, the function returns the page title.

navigation_subpages() method

public array navigation_subpages()
{return} array returns an array of the Cms_PageNavigationNode objects
Returns a list of pages grouped under this page.