This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

shop:onBeforeShippingQuote event

Triggered by Shop_ShippingOption
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.

Event handler signature

public array event_onBeforeShippingQuote(Shop_ShippingOption $shipping_option, array $params)
$shipping_option Shop_ShippingOption specifies the shipping option object.
$params array specifies the method parameters.
{return} array returns updated shipping parameters.
Allows to update shipping parameters before they are sent to a shipping method. The event handler should accept 2 parameters - the Shop_ShippingOption object and an array of shipping parameters. The handler should return updated shipping params as an associative array. The $params array contains the following elements:
  • quote - the original shipping quote.
  • option_id - for multi-option shipping methods only (like USPS) - service-specific identifier of the shipping option.
  • option_name - for multi-option shipping methods only (like USPS) - service-specific name of the shipping option.
  • shipping_option - the Shop_ShippingOption object which returned the original quote.
  • handling_fee - the handling fee, defined in the shipping method.
  • country_id - shipping country identifier.
  • state_id - shipping state identifier.
  • zip - shipping ZIP/Postal code.
  • city - shipping city.
  • total_price - total price of all order items.
  • total_volume - total volume of all order items.
  • total_weight - total weight of all order items.
  • total_item_num - total number of order items.
  • cart_items - a list of shopping cart items. An array of Shop_CartItem or Shop_OrderItem objects, depending on the caller context.
Event handler example:
public function subscribeEvents()
  Backend::$events->addEvent('shop:onBeforeShippingQuote', $this, 'before_shipping_quote');

public function before_shipping_quote($shipping_option, $params)
  return array(
    'zip' => '55155',
    'city' => 'Hollywood'