This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Db_FilterBehavior class

Defined in /phproad/modules/db/behaviors/db_filterbehavior.php, lines 25-461
Inheritance Phpr_Extension » Phpr_ControllerBehavior » Db_FilterBehavior
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Adds list filters features to back-end controllers. This class allows to extend any back-end controller with a list filters functionality.
The extension can be added to a controller by listing the class name in the $implement property of the controller class:
class AbcBlog_Posts extends Backend_Controller
  public $implement = 'Db_FilterBehavior, Db_ListBehavior, Db_FormBehavior';
To configure the extension, its properties should be defined in the extended controller class. Filter classes should be defined separately and be inherited from the Db_DataFilter class. Please refer to the Administration Area Filters article for the usage examples and details.

Public properties

Property Type Description Defined By
filter_filters array a list of filter configurations. Db_FilterBehavior
filter_list_title string specifies the filters title. Db_FilterBehavior

Public methods

Method Description Defined By
filterApplyToModel() applies filters to a model. Db_FilterBehavior
filterRender() renders a filter settings. Db_FilterBehavior

Property details

filter_filters property

public array $filter_filters;
A list of filter configurations. Each element of this array should have a unique index and contain a list of filter configuration options:
  • name - a filter name to display on the filter panel.
  • class_name - a filter class name. Filter classes should be defined separately.
  • prompt - a message to display above a list of available filter records in the filter configuration popup form.
  • added_list_title - a title to display above the list of selected filter records.
public $filter_filters = array(
    'name'=>'Current Order Status', 
    'prompt'=>'Please choose order statuses', 
    'added_list_title'=>'Added Statuses'),
    'prompt'=>'Please choose products', 
    'added_list_title'=>'Added Products')

filter_list_title property

public string $filter_list_title;
Specifies the filters title. The default value is Filters.

Method details

filterApplyToModel() method

public Db_ActiveRecord filterApplyToModel(Db_ActiveRecord $model, string $context=NULL)
$model Db_ActiveRecord a model object to apply filters to.
$context string specifies the filter context name.
{return} Db_ActiveRecord returns a configured model object.
Applies filters to a model. Use this filter to apply configured filter to a model. If you use the List Behavior, this method should be called in the listPrepareData() class overridden in the controller. Example:
public function listPrepareData()
  $obj = Shop_Order::create();

  return $obj;

filterRender() method

public void filterRender()
Renders a filter settings. When filters are used with the List Behavior, this method is not used. The list behavior calls this method internally if its $list_render_filters property value is TRUE.