This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo class

Defined in /modules/shop/classes/shop_checkoutaddressinfo.php, lines 12-366
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Represents a customer shipping or billing address which the customer provides during the checkout process. Normally you don't need to create instances of that class. LemonStand provides the access to the class object during the checkout process. Please refer to the shop:checkout action description for details.

See Also

Public properties

Property Type Description Defined By
city string specifies the customer's city name. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
company string specifies the customer's company name. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
country integer specifies the country identifier. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
email string specifies the customer's email address. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
first_name string specifies the customer's first name. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
is_business boolean indicates whether the object represents a business address. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
last_name string specifies the customer's last name. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
phone string specifies the customer's phone number. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
state integer specifies the state identifier. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
street_address string specifies the customer's street address. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
zip string specifies the customer's ZIP or postal code. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo

Public methods

Method Description Defined By
as_string() returns the address information as a formatted address string. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
copy_from() copies the address from another Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo object. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
equals() checks whether the address represented with the object matches the address represented with another address information object. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
load_from_customer() loads address information from a customer object. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
save_to_customer() saves address information to a customer object. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
save_to_order() saves address information to an order object. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
set_from_default_shipping_location() loads the object properties from default shipping location. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
set_from_post() loads the object properties from POST parameters. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo
set_location() sets country, state and ZIP codes. Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo

Property details

city property

public string $city;
Specifies the customer's city name.

company property

public string $company;
Specifies the customer's company name.

country property

public integer $country;
Specifies the country identifier. Note that this property contains a country identifier, not a reference to a country object. To load the country object and output its name use the following code:
  $country = Shop_Country::find_by_id($address_info->country);
  if ($country)
    echo h($country->name);

email property

public string $email;
Specifies the customer's email address.

first_name property

public string $first_name;
Specifies the customer's first name.

is_business property

public boolean $is_business;
Indicates whether the object represents a business address.

last_name property

public string $last_name;
Specifies the customer's last name.

phone property

public string $phone;
Specifies the customer's phone number.

state property

public integer $state;
Specifies the state identifier. Note that this property contains a state identifier, not a reference to a state object. To load the state object and output its name use the following code:
  $state = Shop_CountryState::find_by_id($address_info->state);
  if ($state)
    echo h($state->name);

street_address property

public string $street_address;
Specifies the customer's street address.

zip property

public string $zip;
Specifies the customer's ZIP or postal code.

Method details

as_string() method

public string as_string()
{return} string returns the address as string.
Returns the address information as a formatted address string.

copy_from() method

public void copy_from(Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo $address)
$address Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo specifies the address information object to copy the address from.
Copies the address from another Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo object.

equals() method

public boolean equals(Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo $address_info)
$address_info Shop_CheckoutAddressInfo specifies another address information object to compare with.
{return} boolean returns TRUE if the address matches. Returns FALSE otherwise.
Checks whether the address represented with the object matches the address represented with another address information object.

load_from_customer() method

public void load_from_customer(Shop_Customer $customer)
$customer Shop_Customer specifies a customer object to load address information from.
Loads address information from a customer object.

save_to_customer() method

public void save_to_customer(Shop_Customer $customer)
$customer Shop_Customer specifies a customer object to save address information to.
Saves address information to a customer object. The method doesn't save the customer object to the database.

save_to_order() method

public void save_to_order(Shop_Order $order)
$order Shop_Order specifies an order object to save address information to.
Saves address information to an order object. The method doesn't save the order object to the database.

set_from_default_shipping_location() method

public void set_from_default_shipping_location()
Loads the object properties from default shipping location. The default shipping location can be configured on Shipping Configuration page.

set_from_post() method

public void set_from_post(Shop_Customer $customer=NULL)
$customer Shop_Customer specifies the customer object if it is presented.
Loads the object properties from POST parameters. The POST parameter names should match the class property names.

set_location() method

public void set_location(integer $country_id, integer $state_id, string $zip)
$country_id integer specifies the country identifier.
$state_id integer specifies the state identifier.
$zip string specifies the ZIP or postal code.
Sets country, state and ZIP codes.