This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

method Twig function

Defined in /modules/core/classes/core_twigextension.php, lines 55-92
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
mixed function method(mixed $object_or_class_name, string $method_name, mixed $param_1=NULL)
$object_or_class_name mixed object or class name. Use class names to call static methods.
$method_name string specifies the method name to invoke.
$param_1 mixed parameter to pass to the invoked method. The function supports unlimited number of parameters.
{return} mixed the function returns the result of the invoked method.
Invokes a method of an object or class. Usually this function is needed only when you want to invoke a static class method. Non-static object methods can be invoked directly. The following example calls the list_active_items() method of the Shop_Cart class.
{% set items = method('Shop_Cart', 'list_active_items') %}