This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

tax_incl_label function

Defined in /modules/shop/init/custom_helpers.php, lines 64-96
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
string function tax_incl_label(Shop_Order $order=NULL)
$order Shop_Order - optional reference to the Shop_Order object. Pass the order object into this parameter if an order is available, for example on the Order Details or Receipt pages.
{return} string returns the tax included label text or NULL.
Returns the tax included label text. Use this function if product prices on the store pages include tax and you want to let visitors know about it. You can configure the label text and behavior on the System/Settings/eCommerce Settings page, please see Configuring LemonStand for tax inclusive environments for details. The function returns the text which you specify in the Tax included label text field of the eCommerce Settings form in case if the visitor's location matches a country and state specified in the configuration form. If a visitor's location is not known, the default shipping location is used.
The following code outputs a tax included label next to a product price on the product details page:
Price:<?= format_currency($product->price()) ?> <?= tax_incl_label() ?>