Db_ListBehavior class
Adds record list features to back-end controllers.
This class allows to extend any back-end controller with a list functionality.
It allows to render configurable record lists along with processing corresponding
AJAX events.
The extension can be added to a controller by listing the class name in the $implement property of the controller class: class AbcBlog_Posts extends Backend_Controller { public $implement = 'Db_ListBehavior, Db_FormBehavior'; ... To configure the extension, its properties should be defined in the extended controller class. Only the $list_model_class property is required. Please read the Administration Area Lists article for the usage examples and details. Public properties
Public methods
Property details¶ list_control_panel propertypublic string $list_control_panel;
Specifies a partial name or a path to a partial to use as the list control panel.
The control panel partial should contain the toolbar element with buttons. Example of
the listRender() call:
<?= $this->listRender(array('list_control_panel'=>'control_panel')) ?> <div class="toolbar"> <?= backend_ctr_button('Return to the page list', 'go_back', url('/cms/pages')) ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> ¶ list_custom_body_cells propertypublic string $list_custom_body_cells;
Specifies a partial name or a path to a partial to display in each list row.
The partial can contain extra list columns (TD elements).
¶ list_custom_head_cells propertypublic string $list_custom_head_cells;
Specifies a partial name or a path to a partial to display in the list header.
The partial can contain extra list columns (TH elements).
¶ list_default_sorting_column propertypublic string $list_default_sorting_column;
Sets the default list sorting column.
If the user has not selected any custom sorting properties for the list, then this property will be used to sort it.
¶ list_default_sorting_direction propertypublic string $list_default_sorting_direction;
Sets the default list sorting direction (asc/desc)
Only used if the user has not selected any custom sorting properties for the list, is only used
if $list_default_sorting_column property is also set.
¶ list_handle_row_click propertypublic boolean $list_handle_row_click;
Determines whether the list should handle mouse clicks with JavaScript.
By default this feature is enabled, making entire list table cells clickable.
¶ list_items_per_page propertypublic integer $list_items_per_page;
Number of records to display on a single page.
¶ list_min_search_query_length propertypublic boolean $list_min_search_query_length;
Specifies a minimum search phrase length which triggers the search feature.
This property takes effect only if $list_search_enabled property has TRUE value.
¶ list_model_class propertypublic string $list_model_class;
A name of the model class.
¶ list_no_data_message propertypublic string $list_no_data_message;
A message to display in case if there are no records to display.
The default value is "There are no items in this view".
¶ list_no_interaction propertypublic boolean $list_no_interaction;
Disables all interaction features of the list - sorting, search, record links, pagination, etc.
¶ list_no_pagination propertypublic boolean $list_no_pagination;
Disables list pagination.
¶ list_no_setup_link propertypublic boolean $list_no_setup_link;
Hides the list configuration button.
By default the list configuration button is displayed above the list on the right side of the page.
¶ list_no_sorting propertypublic boolean $list_no_sorting;
Disables list sorting feature.
By default lists can be sorted by clicking a column title.
¶ list_record_onclick propertypublic string $list_record_onclick;
JavaScript code to execute when a record is clicked.
¶ list_record_url propertypublic string $list_record_url;
An URL to redirect the browser when a list record is clicked.
Use the url() for creating back-end URLs. Example:
$this->list_record_url = url('/blog/posts/preview/'); ¶ list_render_as_tree propertypublic boolean $list_render_as_tree;
Determines whether the list should be rendered as a tree.
This feature is supported only if the model class is extended with Db_Act_As_Tree extension.
¶ list_render_filters propertypublic boolean $list_render_filters;
Determines whether filters should be rendered by the list extension.
¶ list_search_enabled propertypublic boolean $list_search_enabled;
Enables the list search feature.
¶ list_search_fields propertypublic array $list_search_fields;
A list of the model database columns the search function should use for the data search.
This property takes effect only if $list_search_enabled property has TRUE value.
¶ list_search_prompt propertypublic string $list_search_prompt;
Specifies a prompt to display in the Search field when it has no value.
This property takes effect only if $list_search_enabled property has TRUE value.
¶ list_search_show_empty_query propertypublic boolean $list_search_show_empty_query;
Determines whether the list records should be displayed of no search query was provided.
This property takes effect only if $list_search_enabled property has TRUE value.
¶ list_sorting_column propertypublic string $list_sorting_column;
Sets the list sorting column.
If this property is set, its value overrides any sorting column preferences selected by a user.
¶ list_sorting_direction propertypublic string $list_sorting_direction;
Sets the list sorting direction (asc/desc)
Determines the sorting direction of the list, is only used if $list_sorting_column property is also set.
Method details¶ listBeforeRenderRecord() methodpublic void listBeforeRenderRecord(Db_ActiveRecord $model)
Executed before a list row is displayed.
This method can be overridden in the controller.
¶ listExtendModelObject() methodpublic Db_ActiveRecord listExtendModelObject(Db_ActiveRecord $model)
Allows to apply additional configuration to the list model object..
This method can be overridden in the controller. Inside the method
you can call the model's where() method
to apply additional filters.
¶ listGetRowClass() methodpublic string listGetRowClass(Db_ActiveRecord $model)
Returns a CSS class name for a list row.
This method can be overridden in the controller if list rows require additional styling.
public function listGetRowClass($model) { if ($model->status == -1) return 'error'; } ¶ listPrepareData() methodpublic Db_ActiveRecord listPrepareData()
Prepares the list model.
This method can be overridden in the controller. By default the method
creates an object of the class specified in the $list_model_class property.
If you use the Filter Behavior, in this method you should call its
filterApplyToModel() method. Example:
public function listPrepareData() { $obj = Shop_Order::create(); $this->filterApplyToModel($obj); return $obj; } ¶ listRender() methodpublic void listRender(array $options=array(), string $partial=NULL)
Renders the list.
Use this method in a page view document to render the list
with the parameters defined in the controller. Example:
<?= $this->listRender() ?> |