Triggered before LemonStand sends an email message.
You can use this event to send email messages with third-party software or services.
The event handler should accept a single parameter - the object containing information about the message to be sent.
The object has the following fields:
- content - the message content in HTML format.
- reply_to - an array containing the reply-to address: array(''=>'Sales Department').
- attachments - an array containing a list of paths to the attachment files.
- recipients - an array containing a list of recipients: array(''=>'Demo User').
- from - "from" email address.
- from_name - "from" name.
- sender - email sender email address.
- subject - message subject.
- data - custom parameters which could be passed by the email sending code.
The event handler should return TRUE in order to prevent the default message sending way. Example event handler:
public function subscribeEvents()
Backend::$events->addEvent('core:onSendEmail', $this, 'send_email');
public function send_email($email_info)
// Send the message using the external service
// Return TRUE to stop LemonStand from sending the message
return true;