This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

theme_resource_url function

Defined in /modules/cms/init/custom_helpers.php, lines 259-262
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
string function theme_resource_url(string $path, boolean $root_url=true, string $add_host_name_and_protocol=false)
$path string specifies a path to the file in the theme resources directory.
$root_url boolean determines whether the returned URL should be relative to the LemonStand domain root.
$add_host_name_and_protocol string indicates whether the URL should contain the host name and protocol. This parameter works only if the $root_url parameter is true.
{return} string returns the resource file URL.
Returns file URL relative to the currently active theme resources directory. This function is similar to resource_url(), but it returns URLs for files in the active theme resources directory where as resource_url() returns URLs for files in the global resources directory.
The following example outputs an image tag with src attribute pointing to a file in the theme resources directory.
<img src="<?= theme_resource_url('i/icons/rss.png') ?>"/>
The next code example creates a LINK element pointing to a CSS file in the active theme.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?= theme_resource_url('css/wiki.css) ?>" />
Note that you can use resource combining methods of Cms_Controller class Cms_Controller::js_combine() and Cms_Controller::css_combine() for creating links to CSS and JavaScript files from an active theme.