This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Db_FormElement class

Defined in /phproad/modules/db/classes/db_formelement.php, lines 9-103
Subclasses Db_FormCustomArea, Db_FormFieldDefinition, Db_FormPartial, Db_FormSection
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Base class for all form elements

Public properties

Property Type Description Defined By
collapsable boolean determines whether the element should be placed to the collapsable form area. Db_FormElement
noForm boolean hides the element from forms. Db_FormElement
noPreview boolean makes the element invisible in the form preview. Db_FormElement
sortOrder integer specifies the element position in a form. Db_FormElement
tab string specifies the form tab name. Db_FormElement

Public methods

Method Description Defined By
collapsable() places the element to the form or tab collapsable area. Db_FormElement
noForm() hides the element from the form. Db_FormElement
noPreview() hides the element from the form preview. Db_FormElement
sortOrder() sets the element position on the form. Db_FormElement
tab() specifies a caption of the tab to place the field to. Db_FormElement

Property details

collapsable property

public boolean $collapsable;
Determines whether the element should be placed to the collapsable form area.

noForm property

public boolean $noForm;
Hides the element from forms.

noPreview property

public boolean $noPreview;
Makes the element invisible in the form preview.

sortOrder property

public integer $sortOrder;
Specifies the element position in a form. By default this parameter is assigned automatically.

tab property

public string $tab;
Specifies the form tab name.

Method details

collapsable() method

public Db_FormElement collapsable(boolean $value=true)
$value boolean determines whether the element should be placed to the collapsable area.
{return} Db_FormElement returns the updated form element object.
Places the element to the form or tab collapsable area.

noForm() method

public Db_FormElement noForm()
{return} Db_FormElement returns the updated form element object.
Hides the element from the form.

noPreview() method

public Db_FormElement noPreview()
{return} Db_FormElement returns the updated form element object.
Hides the element from the form preview.

sortOrder() method

public Db_FormElement sortOrder(integer $value)
$value integer specifies the element sort order.
{return} Db_FormElement returns the updated form element object.
Sets the element position on the form. For elements without any position specified, the position is calculated automatically, basing on the add_form_field() method call order. The first element sort order value is 10, second's - 20 and so on.

tab() method

public Db_FormElement tab(string $caption)
$caption string specifies the tab caption.
{return} Db_FormElement returns the updated form element object.
Specifies a caption of the tab to place the field to. If you use tabs, you should call this method for all form field in the model.