This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

unset Twig filter

Defined in /modules/core/classes/core_twigextension.php, lines 218-218
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
array function unset(array $array, string $element)
$array array array to remove the element from.
$element string the element index to remove.
{return} array returns the updated array.
Removes an array element. The unset filter allows to delete an array element. The element index should be specified in the filter parameter. The following example removes shipping_method element from the array:
{# Define some array #}
  set steps = {
    'billing_info': 'Billing Information',
    'shipping_info': 'Shipping Information',
    'shipping_method': 'Shipping Method',
    'payment_method': 'Payment Method',
    'review': 'Order Review',
    'pay': 'Pay'

{# Remove the shipping_method element #}
{% set steps = steps|unset('shipping_method') %}