This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

shop:onFilterPaymentMethods event

Triggered by Shop_PaymentMethod
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.

Event handler signature

public array event_onFilterPaymentMethods(array $params)
$params array specifies the method parameters.
{return} array returns updated list of shipping options.
Allows to filter the payment method list before it is displayed on the checkout pages or in the backend. The event handler should accept a single parameter - the options array. The array contains the following fields:
  • payment_methods - a array of payment methods. Each element is the Shop_PaymentMethod object.
  • amount - order total.
  • country_id - shipping country identifier.
  • customer_group_id - identifier of the customer group.
  • ignore_customer_group_filter - boolean, indicates if the customer group filter was ignored.
  • backend - boolean, true when payment methods are being listed in the backend.
  • order_items - a list of order items (Shop_OrderItem or Shop_CartItem objects, depending on the caller context).
The handler should return an updated payment methods array.
Usage example:
public function subscribeEvents()
  Backend::$events->addEvent('shop:onFilterPaymentMethods', $this, 'filter_payment_options');

public function filter_payment_options($params)

    //remove a certain payment method if order contains products from a specific category
    $hide_special = false;
    foreach($order_items as $item)
      $category_list = $item->product->category_list;
      foreach($category_list as $category)
        if($category->code == 'special')
           $hide_special = true;
      $filtered_payment_methods = array();
      foreach($payment_methods as $i => $method)
        if($method->ls_api_code != 'special')
          $filtered_payment_methods[$i] = $method;
      return $filtered_payment_methods;
  return $payment_methods;