This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

Db_FormCustomArea class

Defined in /phproad/modules/db/classes/db_formcustomarea.php, lines 14-33
Inheritance Db_FormElement » Db_FormCustomArea
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.
Represents a form section. Form sections have a title and description. Objects of this class are created by add_form_custom_area() method the Db_ActiveRecord class. Form area contents should be defined in a partial with name _form_section_id.htm in the controller's views directory, where id is an area identifier.

Public properties

Show inherited properties.

Property Type Description Defined By
collapsable boolean determines whether the element should be placed to the collapsable form area. Db_FormElement
id string specifies the area identifier. Db_FormCustomArea
location string specifies a path to a directory containing the partial. Db_FormCustomArea
noForm boolean hides the element from forms. Db_FormElement
noPreview boolean makes the element invisible in the form preview. Db_FormElement
sortOrder integer specifies the element position in a form. Db_FormElement
tab string specifies the form tab name. Db_FormElement

Public methods

Show inherited methods.

Method Description Defined By
collapsable() places the element to the form or tab collapsable area. Db_FormElement
noForm() hides the element from the form. Db_FormElement
noPreview() hides the element from the form preview. Db_FormElement
sortOrder() sets the element position on the form. Db_FormElement
tab() specifies a caption of the tab to place the field to. Db_FormElement

Property details

id property

public string $id;
Specifies the area identifier.

location property

public string $location;
Specifies a path to a directory containing the partial. Optional.