This is the API docs for LemonStand V1, which has been discontinued. LemonStand is now a cloud based platform, available at

LemonStand API

shop:onOrderCopyBillingAddress event

Triggered by Shop_Order
Author LemonStand eCommerce Inc.

Event handler signature

public array event_onOrderCopyBillingAddress(Shop_Order $order, array $data)
$order Shop_Order specifies the order object.
$data array contains the shipping information data fields.
{return} array return an associative array of order property names and values to override the order's shipping information.
Triggered when order billing information is copied to shipping information. This event is triggered when a user clicks Copy billing address link on the Create/Edit Order page in the Administration Area and allows to override order property values. The $data parameter of the event handler is an array with the following elements:
  • billing_first_name - specifies the billing first name.
  • billing_last_name - specifies the billing last name.
  • billing_company - specifies the billing company name.
  • billing_phone - specifies the billing phone number.
  • billing_country_id - specifies the billing country identifier.
  • billing_state_id - specifies the billing state identifier.
  • billing_street_addr - specifies the billing street address.
  • billing_city - specifies the billing city name.
  • billing_zip - specifies the billing ZIP/postal code.